Marine Cargo Insurance

Marine Cargo Insurance :

  • Marine Cargo insurance indemnifies owner or shipper for any goods by any means – air, sea, or land – one location to another, this can be from warehouse to warehouse or quay to quay from anywhere to anywhere. Coverage provides the property owner (the insured) indemnification for loss or damage to goods for  physical loss or damage that may be incurred during transit. Ocean shipment also provides additional coverage for a General Average ”loss.”

    The General average charge is incurred when part of the overall cargo is lost, or sacrificed but the voyage is completed. All the cargo owners whose cargo was saved share in the cost of those cargos that were lost or sacrificed in order to complete the voyage.

    There are several types of policies (single shipment or open cargo policies)  and various degrees of protection  (all risk, total loss,) covering shipments from warehouse to warehouse, in temporary storage,or quay to quay

    premiums vary by how products are packed, (containerized,  palletized,  on deck or below deck. bulk cargo, tankers..  also shipments by air, rail, or truck.

  • Open Cargo Policy or Annual Cover &…
  • Single Cargo Shipments

An open cargo policy can be written to cover all cargoes shipped by the Assured in foreign trade by overseas vessels, aircraft and foreign parcel post. Coverage is afforded while goods are in transit from the seller’s warehouse to the buyer’s warehouse in due course of transit. The contract is tailor-made to fit requirements of the individual Assured’s shipments and can be written to cover broad or named perils. (See Open Cargo.) Single Cargo Shipment is the next most common form of cargo insurance, mainly taken out by individuals and small businesses for One-Off Shipments of cargo & freight. (See Single Cargo.)

The basic open cargo policy includes:
  • The Perils Clause
  • One or more average clauses
  • Additional basic coverage clauses including general average

Contact Darlow Marine Insurance

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