Pollution / Water Pollution / Blue Card

Pollution / Water Pollution / Blue Card:

Accidental release or discharge into the ocean of petrochemicals (from crude oil to refined products) and other polluting materials (even dirty soap water). In the USA there are several pollution only insurance companies that specialize in providing certain coverages required by the United States and provides certification to the National Pollution Funds Center in Washington DC for the issuance of a COFR (Certificate of Financial Responsibility) required by all vessels over 300 GRT when entering into any US waters. Other countries such as Canada require joining ECRC and many other countries require a BLUE CARD as proof of insurance for all vessels over 1000 grt. and petroleum carrying vessels must have an additional endorsement to the Blue card known as CLC. Vessels that do not enter US waters have many other P&I companies (I.E. RaetsMarine, Navigators, Osprey, Lloyds and all P&I clubs) who provide necessary coverages plus Blue Cards & CLC endorsements.

We Provide Pollution Coverage For...
  • Vessel Owners and Operators           
  • Public Vessels
  • Marina Owners & Operators         
  • Shipyards (Repairers and Builders)    
  • Yacht Dealers              
  • Banks (Repossessed Vessels)
  • Cargo Owners
  • Mobile Drilling Units
  • Non-Vessel Owner
  • Ferries
  • Fishing Vessels
  • Tow Risks
  • Scrapping Risks
Pollution Coverage Includes...
  • Clean up
  • Third Party property damage
  • Subsistence
  • Advertising
  • Assessment of and damage to natural resources
  • Loss of revenues and profits by third party
  • 24 hour spill response
  • Loss of public services
  • Defense
  • Investigation
  • Criminal Fines
  • Civil Penalties

Contact Darlow Insurance

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