Personal Accident Insurance / Medical Expenses
Personal Accident Insurance / Medical Expenses :
Personal Accident Insurance coverage is available to persons working in marine-related businesses. This broad definition covers all businesses and individuals involved in any marine business. A sampling could include marine workers such as baggage handlers, fuelers, riggers, sailmakers, yacht brokers, marine surveyors & inspectors, caterers, maintenance & mechanical personnel and repairers and so on.
Persons employed in the the marine trades including repairers, mechanics, sail makers, canvas workers, installers, retailers, trainers & instructors, school employees, parasail operators, rental operators, private yachtsmen, captain and crew (private or professional, full or part time), boat owners, boat operators, yacht & fleet managers, crew members, support personnel, marine associations, yacht clubs, fractional ownership organizations, marine time share schemes or plans. If it is marine related we can probably insure you.